You have probably heard that lubricating the moving parts of your garage door is important if you want to keep it working properly. However, you could be a bit unsure of how to do so. These are a few tips that can help you with this routine maintenance task.
1. Make Sure That You Focus on Safety
First and foremost, it is very important for you to think about your own safety when you are maintaining your garage door. For example, make sure that you turn off the power to your garage door while you're working; then, you can avoid the dangers that can go along with someone accidentally pressing the garage door remote while you're working. Additionally, make sure that you use a good, sturdy ladder and that you practice basic ladder safety when getting this job done.
2. Take the Time to Clean and Inspect Your Garage Door
While you are already on the ladder, it's a good idea to go ahead and clean and inspect the parts of your garage door. Wiping away dust and debris can help you make sure that your garage door is able to open and close properly. This is also a good time to make sure that the track does not appear bent or damaged in every way, that there is no rust and that everything looks to be in good condition. If you notice a problem, contact a garage door repair professional to come out and help you get your garage door back in good shape.
3. Remember That a Little Goes a Long Way
It's important to remember that a little bit goes a long way when you are using lubricant on your garage door's moving parts. You'll want to add enough to help ensure that everything can move with no problems, but you don't want to add enough that you are making a mess or that you are wasting product. After you do it a time or two, you should get a better idea of how much lubricant you need to use.
As you can see, there are just a few simple tips that you should keep in mind when lubricating the moving parts of your garage door. If you remember these tips, then you should not have a hard time completing this routine maintenance task. If you find that you have any problems or if you have any questions, consider contacting a local garage door repair professional. Then, he or she can come out and lubricate your garage door parts for you and perform an inspection, and he or she may give you some tips for getting this maintenance job done yourself.